Fedor Kerstiens

As a horticulture-related construction company, we have found the perfect partner in Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen, for now and the future. Accurate, willing to think along with you, and customer-oriented in a very pleasant and relaxed way. Experience driven by humour; professionals in the right place

Fedor Kerstiens – Backoffice Olsthoorn Greenhouse Projects

Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen supplies excellent translations and excels in speed and flexibility. Their approach is perfectly aligned to our business operations.

Marc Eijsackers – Marketing & Communication Manager, Floricultura
GreenlinQdata gerard flinterman

In our sector – arable farming, horticulture and greenhouse horticulture – it is very difficult to find a translator who really understands what you mean. Fortunately, we found one! It is also very pleasant working with Medard. No-nonsense and pragmatic: first-rate!

Gerard Flinterman – General director GreenlinQdata
romy van kleef vertalingen purple wire

Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen is a perfect match for our texts, which are intended for a wide range of applications and target groups. Not only does Medard contribute to finding solutions and respond quickly; there seems to be no limit to what’s possible.

Romy van Kleef – Content marketeer jr. purple-wire
bert strikkers vertaalbureay alumat zeeman

When you are supplying your customers with professional products and services you need professional translations. Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen is our preferred partner for this: fast, punctual and professional.

Bert Strikkers – Director Alumat Zeeman
Gerben Wessels vertaalbureau

When we wanted to have the website of our nursery translated, we went in search of a translation agency that was familiar with horticultural jargon. Thanks to Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen, this was a great success. The result is excellent, and at a very realistic price. We are satisfied!

Gerben Wessels – Crop Manager, Kwekerij Esmeralda

Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen a great partner to work with because of its personal approach. If anything is unclear, they will give us a call and we will talk this through.

Robbert Duijndam – Partner at Duijndam Machines
lotte rotscheid vertaalbureau

Many of the translation jobs we request are last-minute. Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen always ensures that we receive the translations by the set deadline.

Lotte Rotscheid – Communications Roveg Fruit B.V.
josine blomberg designstar vertaalbureau

We experience Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen as a very professional company that responds and delivers quickly. Our contact is pleasant and fast, highly recommended!

Josine Blomberg – Designstar
vertaalbureau Fleur Cornelissen Holex Flower dutch flower group

It was not long after my initial meeting with Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen that I decided to add the agency to my speed dial list. Pleasant personal contact, fast turnaround times and accurate translations, in which the translator proactively contributed some minor improvements to the text. This is an agency that lives up to the slogan ‘unburdening your clients’!


Fleur​ Cornelissen – Marketing Manager Holex FLower

Merely translating a text is one thing. Translating technical documentation, however, is an entirely different ballgame. We were looking for a translation agency that could not only translate our documents but that also understood our product. Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen has this in-house.

Martijn Okkerse – Operations Manager at Besseling Techniek

Horticoop Technical Services needed a translator for our product flyers. Someone who doesn’t literally translate the technical texts in our product flyers, but is able to convert them into other languages in clearly understandable language. That is what Blauvelt is good at. Fast and professional: thanks!

Claudia van Staalduinen-Zuur – Sales and Marketing Support, Horticoop

We publish a magazine 4 times a year in 5 languages. Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen was involved in the process from the very start and ensures that it is always a success.

Gerson Aalbrecht – Marketing Manager Javadoplant BV

FleuraMetz has numerous activities in countries where German is spoken. Therefore, being able to respond quickly is of the essence. Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen works fast – and even delivers before the deadline, however unrealistic it may be.

Britt van der Knaap – Data Crusher purple-wire
Vertaalbureau horticulture

Medard acts adequately and provides high-quality translations together with his team. I often receive the texts very quickly – on the same or the next day. To put it briefly: my collaboration with Blauvelt is very pleasant!

Rianne Vink – Marketing & communicatie specialist World Horti Center
Lennard van Vliet vertaalbureau

Blauvelt is familiar with horticultural terminology and is therefore perfectly capable of translating horticulture-related texts. Furthermore, the agency is low-threshold, pragmatic and to-the-point, which makes collaboration very enjoyable.

Lennard van Vliet – Director of Hortis Legal
José Frederiks – Office Manager Wageningen University & Research vertaalbureau

If you are looking for a driven and professional translation agency, I can warmly recommend Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen. Fast service, accurate translations and very pleasant collaboration. Exactly how it should be!

José Frederiks – Office Manager Wageningen University & Research
demi ammerlaan vertaalbureau

We were looking for a translator for our new website with an affinity with horticulture. That describes Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen perfectly. They have a personal and professional approach and meet our agreements.

Demi Ammerlaan – Marketing at OVATA Succulents
xenia klop vertaalbureau

You can tell that Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen has experience in the horticulture industry. We enjoy a pleasant business relationship and the texts are translated and returned to you quickly and neatly, so that you can get on with your work.

Xenia Klop – Marketing and communication specialist at WPS B.V.

Blauvelt Tuinbouwvertalingen is our lifesaver for last-minute translations, and we make grateful use of their services. From general terms and conditions, rental contracts and press releases to documents for events: there’s nothing they can’t handle!

Marlies Reus – Communication and Events Organiser at Proeftuin Zwaagdijk
rob van mil vertaalbureau

A professional translation requires a translator who is thoroughly familiar with the subject. Blauvelt has demonstrated that it has translators on board who understand our horticultural texts and translate them correctly.

Rob van Mil – Director of HortiLeads